Trainee Program Requirements
Trainees in the DIGI-MAT program must complete 20 hours of selected course work over the duration of the 5-year program. Trainee’s 20 hours of course work must include two DIGI-MAT required courses, and at least one elective "each" from category A and B.
We ask that all trainees elect the 1-credit-hour Professional Development Seminar for at least 3 to 4 semesters.
All trainees are encouraged to partner with their advisor on course selection to assure selection aligns effectively with their research focus and future goals.
ME/MSE 598 DM: Introduction to Digital Materials (4hrs)
ME/MSE 598 A1: Research Writing and Communication (DIGI-MAT Capstone Course) (4hrs)
MSE 590 - Professional Development Seminar (1hr)
Data, Computer Science, Statistics
CS 412: Introduction to Data Mining - 3 or 4 hours
CS 446: Machine Learning - 3 or 4 hours
CS 481/IE 410: Advanced Topics in Stochastic Processes & Applications 3 or 4 hours
CS 441: Applied Machine Learning - 3 or 4 hours
CS 511: Advanced Data Management - 1–4 hours
STAT 448: Advanced Data Analysis - 4 hours
STAT 525: Computational Statistics - 4 hours
STAT 542: Statistical Learning - 4 hours
STAT 545: Spatial Statistics - 4 hours
STAT 571: Multivariate Analysis - 4 hours STAT/CS/CSE 4XX half-semester courses, TBA - 2 hours
Materials, Physics, Mechanics
PHYS 427: Thermal and Statistical Physics – 4 hours
PHYS 460: Condensed Matter – 4 hours
PHYS 486: Quantum Physics I (upper level undergrad) – 4 hours
PHYS 565: (same as ECE 535) – 4 hours
MSE 443: Design of Engineering Alloys - 3 hours
MSE 481: Intro to Transmission Electron Microscopy - 3 or 4 hours
MSE 485: Atomic Scale Simulations - 3 or 4 hours
MSE 487: Materials for Nanotechnology - 3 or 4 hours
CSE 450: Computational Mechanics - 3 or 4 hours (same as TAM 470;
see TAM 470)
TAM 451: Intermediate Solid Mechanics – 4 hours
TAM 551: Solid Mechanics I – 4 hours
TAM 552: Solid Mechanics II – 4 hours
TAM 559: Atomistic Solid Mechanics - 4 hours
ENG 498IM: Interdisciplinary Methods in Research Computing - 4 hours
CHEM 483: Solid State Structural Analysis - 4 hours
MSE/PHYS/TAM/CSE 4XX half-semester courses, TBA - 2 hours