About DIGI-MAT Video
Welcome to DIGI-MAT
DIGI-MAT trainees come from a variety of materials and data science backgrounds, but all DIGI- MAT students will finish the program having been exposed to elements of traditional materials science (including physics, chemistry, engineering) along with a thorough foundation in data literacy, understanding and working with data from both high-throughput experiments and computation. With an internship as the central component of the program – trainees are provided with a unique opportunity to integrate the coursework, training, and professional development they will experience, with topics of high interest to industry. Their broad skill set and their extensive practical experience will make DIGI-MAT graduates highly employable. We envision that DIGI-MAT's unique training, combined with relevant professional development, will enable trainees to perform research in academic, government, and industrial settings, and to start new companies.
Watch the video and learn more about the program from our PI and Trainees